An action packed day at the shop after another long night full of chores, papers and late night sleeping. Got up early and finally took a long shower and shaved the grizzlies off my face. Built a couple of high end road bikes and dealt with some customers. The day went by fast and before I knew it it was dark and I was pedaling home. I really miss my early dismissal job and would foward to starting early and leaving early. I get up late and go to bed late and I feel like my day is a mess. Somehow I need to find more time, make changes, do freakin' something. I don't know... would welcome some help.....some comments. Kind of lost.... you know what I mean???
Rode the gunnar street dog again. I had to go with the race face post to get some setback. I did jack my ritchey stem a la Matt chester and I really love the position for riding off road. The only thing is that when you do that you also shorten the cockpit, thus resulting in a long ass custom stem to give you the height and keep the cockpit area open. Matt Chester is a genius and I hope that one day he can build bikes again. I will be the first one in line. I wonder if some other builders will try to imitate his style. I have seen a pryiing mantis crossie by Vulture Cycles that seems to be like a MC.
Today I also received Jamie's awesome Melanzana Wind Bloc Jacket direct from Leadville Colorado. MADE IN THE U.S.A. and next time you buy North Face or any other hardcore mountain wear that is made and China and think you are hardcore..... you really aren't.
Buy less, buy american and support the jobs that make the people in this country pay for rent and food. Corporate support only makes the glutton V.P.s even richer. Been there , done that and regret having to have learned such a bad lesson. I have so far boycotted the following corporations: Walmart, McDonalds and all other chain fast food places, Best Buy and any other big box stores.
Lately I have shopped from Waterford Precision Cycles, Melanzana and Rivendell.
I hope to get in some riding for Thanksgiving. On that day we should all thank our president for the great things he has given us: War, more poverty for low income, a larger deficit, logging in National Forests, Paranoia, Corporate favoritism, Tax breaks for Suv purchases, and the list goes on hasta el infinito.
If you are out there, ride your bike, do something cool, boycott, boycott, boycott
1 comment:
I'm up for a Turkey day ride. Also figured out the link thing. Looks like you pretty much did too. An 8million dollar jet would be cool, but I think I'd rather have small house and a nice workshop.
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