The wind has been wreaking havoc in my head and at some points I thought I was going crazy. Today I left work in the rain and it only got worse the darker it got. The wind was blowing like hurrican style but I kept thinking about Pantani and all my other heroes and just kept riding.
I bitched and bitche as I rode until I went by a large house that had the curtains open. Inside the living room sat a man in his wheelchair, by himself , watching T.V.
I got the shivers when I saw that and thought how lucky I was to be riding in the dark, in the rain on my bike.
Once I hit the Great western water trail I found that the whole thing was flooded and the limestone was like Peanut butter. Twenty more miles of that and I arrived home, hosed myself and the bike down and appreciated the warmth of my place.
Riding like that is very raw and at some point I think you start to lose it.
I taking the day off tomorrow,
that's hardcore, brother....
I love you for many reasons, but your constant awareness of how good it really is to be a cyclist ranks near the top.
BK fomerly BS
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