It was warm when I jumped out of bed a 5am and thought that I should shake my ass and ride on over to the shop.
Took the gunnar with the fixed gear wheel and them knobbies. Had a fantastic ride in. I was in a bit of a hurry cause special friend was coming in at 10. I felt the burn getting close to the shop and finally made it there in 3 hours and 3 minutes.
Worked all day and rode home starting around 730. It was still warm when I left the shop but slowly but surely it started to get colder and colder. Specially as I rode away from all the buildings and big roads. These things dont' cause the earth to warm. Fuck no!
Out in the fields it was freezing. I had legwarmers, wool socks, wool under shirt plus Flatlandia jersey and my Trusty GaP TECh 7.00 dollar jacket. Also had my craft balaclava and man I felt the top of my legs frozen. I arrived home after 104 miles for the day and found a Gi-normous bowl of pasta with fake meatballs and I ate the whole thing. I am downing a Liter of water while I write this . Fixed gear riding is good for the legs and iF you havent' tried it give it a shot.
Lately I have been washing my clothes in cold water and then putting them on a drying rack I bought at Ikea for 14 dollars. For the normal dark clothes there is no use in washing them in warm setting. I also use the smallest amount of water. So a medium load is washed in medium and not large.
Also my Nissan has given me around 420 miles to the tank. I believe I used around 11 gallons to achieve this. I drive with the windows closed and even if it is a little chilly i don' use the heater. I rarely drive above 65 and most of the times on the highway I set the cruise at 60 and just chill. Driving is such a luxury. Riding a bike for 104 miles most of it on dirt and in the dark is hard. Slow dow, save gas and ride dem bikes more.
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