It sounds retarded but at this point less demand would probably drive prices down. Most of you that read this blog are bike friendly so I ask you to talk to people that insist on driving everywhere to find alternatives.
Today my wife rode to work , then I commuted to work by car, then rode to my second job by bike. We saved almost 20 miles of driving . In the gas crisis of the 70's my dad was offered new Cadillacs at dirt cheap prices. I have a feeling story is about to repeat itself all over again.
Today my wife rode to work , then I commuted to work by car, then rode to my second job by bike. We saved almost 20 miles of driving . In the gas crisis of the 70's my dad was offered new Cadillacs at dirt cheap prices. I have a feeling story is about to repeat itself all over again.
Another voice has joined the chorus.http://www.carectomy.com/index.php/Politics/SUV-Trade-In-Values-Plummet
even GM doesn't want that white elephant any more...
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