10 degrees, 25 mph winds welcome 08
Jamie says we live in Siberia
Hope you all had a good New Year's and that by now your hangovers are getting better. We were very busy at the restaurant and the drive home in the snow was a true voyage. On New Years I got out with the monster bike and did 1.5 hours with the studded tires. When I got home my brain was frozen and I couldnt remember the code to get into the garage. Winds were fierce out of the west and not even my expedition quality North Face Gore Tex jacket could keep it out. Head was cold, torso cold, hands warm with the Mitts and my Vasque hiking boots kept my feet ok. I Admire those guys up in Alaska.
There is so much to think about for 2008. The thing that most intrigues me is the elections in November. I can't wait. I hope that this time the american public will get out and help themselves to a good, new president. This year will see my daugther in Kindergarten and that will be good for her. She needs to go to school and get some energy out. Lots of ideas, lots of plans and might as well start executing them because nowadays the years go by in a flash. I want to do the long commutes again, go bicycle camping with the wife, camping with the kids and use my car as little as possible. Good luck to everyone out there. Ride your bikes, vote, drive less.
You are making me feel like a bum. I came back from KC and was good and sick of bikes. 'Cross bike still has Kansas mud on it. Now, a few weeks off, and I'm itching to get is some good rides with you in Siberia. I'll bring the Pinarello Fixie or the 'Cross bike out for some icy gravel grinders. Hope '08 is a healty and profitable one for you and your beautiful family.
Hugs and Kisses,
Today starts the warm up and the weekend in the 50;s with rain. I am thinking plastic jacket, fenders, singlespeed, and a good backbreaking ride out in the fields. Let's do it!
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