Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association
Brewers of Hardy Rides.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Some more Frostbike photos, some announcements

Peacock Groove

Staying warm up north

Flanders Brothers

Handmade in Minneapolis.

No explanation

I would like to announce that the Slender Fungus Cycling Association has made the top 10 list on Charlie Farrow's Website. This is very exciting and we hope to continue on this path for the 2011 year. Most of our riding takes place at night and we have discovered a whole new riding experience that is both relaxing and fruitful. Our busy schedules with work and family do not allow us to ride during normal "business" hours so we have adapted to off hours, when everyone else is sleeping or plugged into their Big Screens.

The Slender Fungus will be having an important ride
in the month of March. Please stay tuned as we announce the date
time, location and distance of said event.
In the meantime dust off that bike and get some saddle time in.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BRAVO SLENDER FUNGUS Bravo...Like the Slender Fungus, the DBD Rides @ Night and/or in the early early morning...We either start off drunk or hung-over...such is our way!
G. Mallory