My oldest daugther married on Dec 19th so Wifey, Giugi and I made the long trek down to the Gulf to attend the wedding. We drove south through St. Louis, then Missouri then Oklahoma , then headed towards DAllas and then Houston and finally met up with the Gulf of Mexico in Surfside Beach, Texas. It was wonderful to get out of the car and peel jackets, shoes and just take in some warm air. Stayed by the beach at a nice Motel, with kitchen, fridge and all the necessities. Attended the Wedding on Sunday and then got to hang out with my boys from Germany. My daughter from Chicago had taken the train with her friend and had already been there for a few days. On my off time I did quite a bit of riding along the beach. The length of the beach was at least 40 miles and. The sand was quite packed since cars are allowed to drive on it. Food was amazing, people were very nice, weather was perfect and the wedding was lovely. Ceremony took place outside and the reception was indoors at a Ranch House. I would not hesitate in visiting that area again since we had such a wonderful time.
Pugsley was the ultimate weapon in riding in that area. The large tires rolled awesome on the sand and I truly enjoyed bringing this bike all the way down. I rented a 2011 Impala Lt and took both wheels, handlebars and pedals off and fit the whole thing in the trunk along with 2 suitcases ,My Aldi tote (my suitecase), wedding presents, shoes and wedding gifts.
It was great to see all my kids, travel through such great scenery and also thankful that we had good driving conditions.
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