Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association
Brewers of Hardy Rides.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Road ride

 I talked about this with my friend Mark last weekend as to how I haven’t been riding much gravel as of late. Mostly because I live just outside Chicago and what we have the most of is paved roads. We have some trail systems that have limestone but I just take my road bike on those as well since I turn the ride into a blended surface ride. 

Things were different when I resided in Dekalb county, IL where we had plenty of gravel roads to travel on. In order for me to get out there it entails a 50 mile drive with bike in car. I just cannot afford 2 hours of windshield time to do that. So I work with what I have. I make the best of it for now. As the fall approaches I’ll be doing my SS rides to Chicago and hitting up those limestone trails. 

The next order of business is to get them lights sorted since the days are getting shorter. Time to clean out and maybe rig up a bike with a generator hub. Sounds like a good project for the fall. 

Thanks for reading, 



S.Fuller said...

I love generator hubs, but for those 1 - 2 hour after work rides, modern rechargeable lights are so damn good, that it's sometimes hard to justify the cost of a dyno hub and light. For a dedicated commuter bike, it would definitely be the way I would go.

Guitar Ted said...

I use a dynamo on my Winter commuter, a fat bike, and it is sooooo convenient. I also own several rechargeable lights and they are super versatile. Hard to pick one over the other, but I still think some rechargeable lights are better in terms of light pattern and color than my Schmidt SON and Schmidt light. Obviously the cost is far different with a dynamo, but having that light just do its thing without having to wonder if you have enough battery left is a definite value to me mentally. Like I said - It's hard to say one is better than the other.