It had been a long time since very old times friend Tomas and I rode together. We were finally able to coordinate crazy schedules and arrive at Waterfall Glen, on a beautiful Sunday morning, and hit the trails together. We flew around the ten mile loop try to catch up with all the happenings of the past months, years. His little boy was already in High School, the years were starting to go by quicker and quicker.
I was starting to understand the effect of always being "busy" and how that prevents us from hanging out with family and friends that we constantly miss. So I am trying to make it a point to break that and try to get together with people. The crazy bike season is starting to wind down, and it is a perfect opportunity to do that.
Waterfall Glen was awesome. The parking lot was crammed at 830 am. There were the hiking groups, runners, joggers, rollerskiers, familys, Dogs, you name it. A sharp contrast to the old days when we always had the place to ourselves. Despite all that we enjoyed ridings and I was happy to hit some hills that I so much need.
Last night we went over the inlaws and had a great dinner and then sat outside and had a bonfire in the backyard. A bad storm had knocked down a tree in the backyard and we had plenty of wood to burn.
Today its off to the Pumpkin patch and apple orchard. A perfect fall day for that activity.
Whatever you do just get outside and breathe some fresh air!