Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Brewers of Hardy Rides.
Friday, July 31, 2009
A great idea
Ran into this by accident and I think I will purchase one of them. It just makes so much sense to take one on a camping trip. The best part about this stove is that you have unlimited availability of fuel. Just remember to pack some extra 2aa batteries.
Hope all is well.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Time to pull the head out and breath.
I have been not that well lately and today was the day to start a new phase. The wife was adamant that I go for a long ride out in the country. We saddled up, her on her beloved singlespeed Vitus and I on my Gunnar Crosshairs. We did the whole length of Baseline Rd. on gravel then rode south on mulford and came back on Mowers. We totalled 42 miles and the pace was brisk. I felt much better when I got home. Showered had some Recoverite and then headed to the inlaws for food and wine. A splendid Sunday and the temps were fabulous. A big thanks to my dear wife!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
4th and more
Garage 4th due to rain all day.
4th of July was my second saturday off since the Transiowa. I did not ride since I had lots of things to do at home. Wife was working and as soon as she would arrive we would have to split to my bros house. We hadn't hung out with him and his family in a long time and it felt good to be around family. The kids played and muddied themselves, we drank lots of Argentinian wine and we ate meat like barbarians. It finally stopped raining around 9 pm and we shot over to Westmont to see the fireworks. More wine continued after the fireworks and we finally called it quits around 4 am.
Now on Sunday the 5th I am just hanging out with the little one since the wife has to tackle some homework for tomorrow. I have missed many days of serious riding but I still have hope that I will bounce back. The issue with the saddlesores really set me back. I really wanted it to heal to get back. I am excited for the coming weeks and as far as I am concerned we are not going to have a normal summer this year. I know many people out there still don't believe in global warming but it is evident with the screwy weathter we are having. It is not normal for July to be in the 60's and raining.
So, soon enough it will be fall again. The knickers and long sleeves will come out and the nights will be longer. Helmut and I are preparing for a full attack on weather this year and I think we will be prepared. There is still some long rides to conquer and I hope we are able to pull that off.
Until then I hope you all are able to be well. Take care and enjoy those pedal strokes whenever you can.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Surly Pugsleys
Lost Coast Trailer from Eric Parsons on Vimeo.
A great video by Eric Parsons from Epic Designs, a premier bicycle bag maker from Alaska.