Feeling much better after the Tri Flow incident. I must admit that my knees and elbow do not ache as much as before. I did go for a 40 mile 29er ride on Sunday with Buddy Michael. We both ran Gunnar Ruffian 29ers. Lots of people must of thought we were an item or something like that. We rode down to Water Fall Glen did some riding there. The trails were frozen when we started and towards the end they started to get soupy. WE walked up the big hill to strech our winter legs out and then we rode home via the assfalt. It really felt good to get out and do such a ride. I was glad to see that my build on Michaels bike worked like a charm. We had to do no adjustment at all and he love the Roll of the big wheels. I have three issues of the magazine Rouleur at work that I forgot. I am anxious to see what they are all about.
Received the Salsa Chili con Crosso and will give that a shot. I still love my Bianchi Cross but I need to do some experimenting with the new stuff to be able to sell. Been selling Gunnars at work and I like that. They make a great bike and I met the Guys at Waterford and they are really cool people. Buy American Damn It!!! Stop buying cheap chinese Carbon!!!
Also working on building a Porteur bike from Ira Ryan in Portland. I want to have a bike that can handle loads. I dont want Panniers, I dont want a rear rack. Big honking steel rack up front. Above I reprint photo from Ira Ryan's website with all respect.
The bike is designed for loads. This bike will serve to go shopping, dropping off ebay packages at the post office. It can handle loads of over 50 lbs. The concept comes from the old Porteur bikes that were used in Paris in the early 1900's. The newspaper delivery was done twice a day since two editions came out daily. The Porteurs would go to the paper center and load up their bikes and deliver. Every year races were held to find the fastest Porteur. Something similar to the Messenger World Championships of Today.
If you are interested in a quality frame made by a Passionate person check out Ira Ryan Cycles. Oh yeah they are all steel.
out for today,