Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association
Brewers of Hardy Rides.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Unbound 2024

Unbound 2024 is over and it was an exciting event. Lots of my friends drove down there to participate in the various distances offered. I , unfortunately could not take off work and watch thru social media all the highlights. I am kind of surprised, when I think back, at how things have changed. Everyone seems to have nice bikes and the equipment has developed so much. I saw some of the pros sporting jerseys with incorporated hydration packs. 

I saw superfat tires on gravel bikes. Narrow,narrow bars. Nobody seems to be riding
Salsa woodchippers anymore. Anyway it was a spectacle and very entertaining to watch it all. If you went down there I hope you had a good time. The photos are emerging and they are good, really good. 


1 comment:

Guitar Ted said...

It was an interesting affair with the fast guys. I'm sure you saw the three guys who rode single-speed Walmart cruisers. There was a 91 year old guy that finished too. Pretty amazing.

The Japanese journalist I met on Thursday before the event finished despite the fact that his GPS quit on him with something like 20 miles to go, if I read his comments correctly. He finished not long before the cut-off time.

Some folks were grousing on a post by Velo that was promoting a story about "nothing going wrong at Unbound" by saying that they felt that the promoters had forgotten the average guy, back-of-the-pack group. I know that during the DK era that they stayed and hugged or shook the hand of every finisher. I wonder if that even happens anymore at Unbound. It would be interesting to hear from your friends on their thoughts about that.