Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association
Brewers of Hardy Rides.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Calling all riders for help, calling for help.........

The Donut Shop with No Name
My sister-in-law has finally made the leap and is going to open a donut shop in the near future. She is honing her recipe and I have been sampling some of the best donuts I have tried in a long time. Her Donuts are not as sweet, do not have that burnt taste from oil that has not been changed and they have the right shape, size and consistency. The only link missing is that we don't have a name for the place. We are asking people to come up with a name for the shop. We are looking for a name that is easy to remember, rolls off the tongue easily and that has a bit of Americana to it. Think of these names that we have seen:
Dunkin' Donuts
Dimple Donuts
Randy's Donuts
Honey Fluff Donuts.
If you have an idea we would like to see it in the comments.
Tomorrow might mark a long ride for me since the 40 miles that I ride on Sunday is just not cutting it.
If I don't get to bed so late I will be out pounding a long mileage day.
In the afternoon my Bro is firing up the brick oven and we are cooking some Pizzas.
Enjoy the weekend.


fbhidy said...

Wheelie Good Donuts!

Ari said...

Hi Brian, glad to see you stopped by. We are compiling a list and your suggestion is #1

rex said...

I like the name:



The Twilight Marauder said...

Glory Holes!