Big Dork with Shades
All the best,
The weather broke after dealing with snow, fog, severe winds and ice storms. We opted to go outside and ride instead of hitting the rollers and the windtrainer. Rode about 15 miles in a east-west direction to avoid the heavy wind out of the south. We felt great to be out and see and feel the sun. I hope everyone had a great Christmas. Fewer gifts this year, more talk of financial woes. I hope 08 is better.
Ari and Jamie
Schwinn Mirada Monster Bike
Aldrich in full ice, max heart rate
Had to catch my breath for a while there. Sunday was out in the fields for some good Wind riding as I now call it. Did two hours on the Salsa and came home shelled. No natural barriers and nobody to draft off of. Anyway I awoke on Monday morning and still had the itch for more. Saddle up again on the Salsa and rode to work. It was drizzling, a bit cold and windy, of course. I am still trying to understand why it becomes so difficult to ride once the weather changes. Are we burned out? Are we bored of the same routes? Is it the restricting clothing?? Would like to hear some comments.
As some of you might have heard. Pizza Dan, Dr. Giggles and Self have made the roster for the Trans Iowa offroad race in the end of April. 325 miles of gravel on the B roads of our neighbors over yonder in Iowa. Must get a lot of miles before that and keep them Guts down. I think we can do it. More on TIV4 later.
Ira ryan porteur bike is in a box and coming to Illionois. Ira did a phenomenal job in the build and if you have time visit his site to see pixs of the White Faema paint job Porteur. At some point I had to have a custom bike built and I think he turned out to be a real master. Made in America too!!
Keep riding and may the winter winds be at your back,