Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association

Headquarters for the Slender Fungus Cycling Association
Brewers of Hardy Rides.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Mid June strikes

As the bike season ramps up I just realized it's the middle of June already. I have always dreamt of taking that longest day of the year and ride from sunrise to sunset. I've thought about it for a long time but commitments with work and such have always but a damper on it. I think keeping such goals, dreams in mind is a good thing. I don't give up on it and eventually I think it's going to happen.
The shop has been busy with the usual fairweather cyclist tune ups and flat tires. There is no end to it until schools start again. I've also been dealing with a nasty 3 week so far cold. I've been riding to work and back but it really has taken a toll on my fitness. Today was a bit better and hopefully tomorrow will show even more progress. So, whatever you are up to I hope you are doing well while you read these words. 


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