So I started riding the fixed gear bike in the mornings again. My daughter will be done attending school since she will graduate from High School tomorrow. My wife will be teaching until this coming friday. I usually am the first one up in the house. I like to make my coffee and settle in for the day. I then pack lunches, make sure everyone is good, including the pup, then get myself ready.
With school ending I will be able to get up early as usual then get ready and go riding before work. I don't have to be at work until 10am so I got a good bracket in the morning. Girls will be sleeping in after getting up super early for a long time.
I really hope to regain some sort of fitness. I have spoken with several friends that are on the same boat. It is hard to get back in there. It is hard to push and see small results. There is no bouncing back like in the old days. I have been watching diet, taking vitamins and drinking water. Progress is very slow and painful.
My normal gauge is to ride my fixed gear bike. I know where I am with that machine. I know when I can't turn the pedals. I am still in that stiffness mode. I foam roll and use the Lacrosse ball. Come on already!
Those are things that happen. It has been tough thru these times and I think that has a lot to do with it. It's a mental block perhaps. Maybe it's the stress with everything going on.
In the meantime I will keep rolling that fixed 42x15 and see what happens.
thank you for reading. Any ideas or comments are always welcome,