Saturday, June 22, 2013

Stretch out the Back

One too many huffyz and murrays have gotten my back all into a knot. It started with the quick mountain bike sesssion followed by painting in the house. So today I got out on the BMC to relax the muscles and get some much needed flexibility. I am cursed with not being a stretcher. I am of the school that thinks that riding will cure all. I need to get loose to prevent injuries. Tomorrow will be an escape trip to Iowa. We hope to recon part of the Death Ride route.
stay tuned,
Ricardo gave me a   Deda Stem and I added the Cowbells in 44cm, wrapped in Zipp Service Course CX tape. It feels awesome!!


  1. Say, speaking of the Death Ride, iz looking like 3 takers from Madison...G-Force, the Basque and myself...

  2. Gracias Mauricio. Nos Vemos en la Ruta de la Muerte.
