Friday, June 28, 2013

Death Ride Recon Trip this past Sunday

We really needed to take a break from IL. so we loaded up the Subaru and headed out to the Grand State of Iowa. WE figured to go out to Bellevue and hit the pool and find a place to pick up some Strawberries. The pool was a great idea and it only cost less than 10 bucks for the 3 of us. 
Heck, they even played country music to make it even more awesome. We picked Strawberries off some farm not far from town. AT 1.50 a lb for fresh strawberries that was a deal. Afterwards we had an early dinner at Kalmes In Saint Donatus. We then took off to check out some of the Death Ride route. With a couple of brews we were chilled and satisfied with our dinners. The daughter did not last long before she went into a Pool/food coma. 
We listened to tunes and hit the gravel. We ventured onto some B Roads with slick road tires, a low battery and no cell phone. Gun it the wife cried out. So, there went the subaru, where the commercials show it can go. 
We made it through all the B roads and I wondered how dangerous I would be with a Range Rover that rich people drive. Do they drive these things offroad I wondered???
They never seem to have mud on them. Anyway. 
We drove lots and lots of miles. On a section of 216th ave we discovered that it turned into a B Road. I skipped that one since it was getting dark and it seem gnarly. I really did not want to have to deal with a stuck car in the dark. 
We had a really long day and drove lots and lots of miles. We were blessed to see Pelicans on the rock river as we drove west. We also saw some Swans with offspring in the wild in a marsh. 
The roads were awesome, the views amazing, the cool water in the pool necessary and the strawberries fraganced our car. We are happy to announce that the route has been approved by the Death Ride Invitational organize Guitar Ted. I will be making a post with all details regarding the ride. 
I warn you that if you want to stay overnight on Saturday that you should get that settled. 
More to come. I had a great day spent with my lovely wife and awesome daughter. We truly love Iowa and we are thankful that those wonderous gravel roads are there. Come out and experience it with us. We would love your company. 
Enjoy the photos. 
There will be plenty of climbs. Iowa is not Flat. Not Flat. 

Beautiful Views are bountiful

1998 Forester hitting the B Roads 

One B road brings you out to this View. This is where we stumbled upon Chris, our new friend from Bellevue, Iowa. 

Captured these Swans in the wild. I was in desbelief how beautiful this looked. 

Many Beautiful, wooded roads that we found. 

This 10 year old got really tired. I love those reclineable backseats. 

The wife navigated me reading this map on all the Bumpy Roads.
Yes, this is an Analogue map.  

WE drove from early on all the way to 12:30a.m when we got home.
We also saw the Super Moon out in the fields. 


  1. Oh, and the amazing mushrooms just popped out in our backyard. I have some other ones I photographed also.

  2. Consider me all atingle with anticipation.
