Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Snowbike Presentation

Here is a presentation I did about Snowbikes and a few tips on winter riding. My left pantleg is rolled up since I got goop on my messed up knee.
Viva Italia!!


NCC Stay Moving Clinic - Snowbikes with Ari from Tobie DePauw on Vimeo.


  1. Excellent job, Ari. You be the snow biking Jedi master. For perfect Pugs riding conditions head up to Syracuse where a three-day lake effect snow storm dumped nearly four feet of the white stuff, and more is on the way for the weekend...

  2. Really, there should be a carbon fiber kickstand from Greenfield. It would sell like hotcakes on Madones.

    Nice job Ari. Get those folks motivated to keep outside all year.

  3. @Giggles
    You know I would be there in a heartbeat. Today we are blizzarding. I think this is too much too soon.

    @Guitar Ted
    Do you know anyone with a stockpile of Mukluks? We are already out and at least would like to direct people to other shops

  4. @Ari: I have heard that some frame sets may be available in three weeks or so. Otherwise, I wouldn't know of any right now.
