Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Saturday Ride for 2010

Gumby and Hellmut imitating Pantani and Armstrong!

We mustard-ed up the will power to get together and start our group sessions on Saturday morning. Gumby and Hellmut were already at the shop as I arrived with my Aldi bag full of clothing. It was about 0 degrees and there was a sharp wind coming out of the n-nw. We decided to do loops around town without getting to far away in case we had a mechanical or froze up. We were out there for about 1 hours and 20 minutes and decided it was plenty. As usual it was a problem to keep the feet warm enough. Hands, legs, and rest of body were fine. It was good to get out and shake the cobwebs away. I have been doing some commutes to work that have been pretty ridiculous. Riding studded tires every day has become a punishment but I keep thinking of staying in shape during the winter. Been watching caloric intake, staying away from junkfood, soda and BEER! Hopefully this past saturday was our coldest and that the next one will be a bit warmer. Not much more to report as we count down these cold days. Hope all is well out there.


  1. One should never stay away from beer. NEVER!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once I finish Trans Iowa i am going to black out! For now I need all my strength and help I can get. I miss you guys out that way.
