Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Motivation, motivation, motivation

I started to think about this the other day and it started to bug me a lot. I figured that if I started to hit the keyboard that I might be able to dislodge something out of it.
Last year was a magical year for all of us. We were riding high and mighty at the shop. We had lots of motivation and energy. We went on rides all the time and the mood was right. This year has been kind of like a booger.
I think the current financial situation, linked with high gas prices, fear, paranoia, war, Iraq-n , Afganistan, the elections, have smashed us into the ground.
Last year I had no car and my commuting was astronomical. I was on the Heron and rode day in and day out punching out centuries. Sometimes up to 4 of them a week. On Sundays I went for the long ride.
This year has been a wash. I purchased the Nissan Pantani-mobile and my commuting has been steadily absent. Last week was an exception and I did ride 453 miles. It left me exhausted and I am still recovering.

Moving out to Sycamore has also made a lot of changes. I am 52 miles away from all my riding buddies. So there is no blame there as to being able to hook up for rides.
What I am trying to figure out is how to recover 2007???? How do we recover that motivation??? Is one year ago that far away???? Do we age that much and get tired that much in a matter of months?? Do I need a carbon Fiber bike??
So these are the things that I will think about tomorrow as I roll on the gravel. It will be a good time to get some crap out of my head. Trans Iowa is approaching and I want to be fit. If you have some ideas or comments feel free to post. How do the Pros stay motivated day in and day out??? Do I need steroids? Do I need to go to a Spa??




  1. my main transiowa training partner and i just had a conversation about getting burnt out and its a bitch. getting out of a funk isn't easy, especially if its pushing a year long. what worked for me was just something different. didn't stop riding, just switched it up. i was on the mountain bike all summer and when i got back into a gravel routine it was great, then group night rides on the singletrack came back, then cross season started. dropped the pressure i'd been putting on myself and just rode cause i love it...and it paid me back by reminding me why i love it. best of luck in your quest to reclaim the mentality of 2007.

  2. sweet video. where'd you dig that up? :)

    be safe out here, buddy!

  3. yep. i'm with ya bro. i need some savin'.
